1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Meaning and Purpose of Concept Mapping
1.3 Characteristics of Concept Mapping
1.4 Types of Concept mapping
1.5 Steps for Designing Concept Mapping in Social Science
1.6 Considerations for Good Concept Map
1.7 Steps for Implementing CMap in Social Science
1.8 Evaluation of Concept Map
1.9 Let’s Sum Up
1.10 Unit End Exercise
1.11 Suggested Reading
This unit would basically briefly describe the meaning and purpose of concept mapping. . This unit will elaborate different characteristics and types of concept mapping particularly in teaching of social science. Further this unit will explain steps of concept mapping. Subsequently unit will reflect over different consideration for concept mapping. 1.1 OBJECTIVES
After going through this unit you would be able to:
• describe the meaning and purpose of concept mapping;
• explain the characteristics of concept mapping;
• identify different types of Concept Mapping;
• illustrate the procedures for designing and implementing the concept mapping strategies while teaching social science; and • appreciate the usefulness of CM as teaching strategies for developing clear understanding in difficult concepts of social science.
A concept map is a visual representation of concepts and the relationships between them; concepts are usually enclosed in some sort of box and a connecting line (links) between concepts indicates the relationships between them. The links can be one-way, two-way, or non-directional. Cross-links indicate relationships between concepts in different parts of the concept map and they often represent creative leaps on part of the knowledge producer (Novak). Concept maps are, thus, a visual representation of conceptual understanding that can be described as the richness of