4. If you conducted a study in which you wanted to determine why help is not given to people who obviously need it, with which of the following objectives would you have conducted the study?
Explanation- scientific research is to understand the world we live in and it demands a detail exam of a phenomenon. The objective of explanation of the phenomenon requires the knowledge of it existence or what causes it. In order to determine why help was not given to those who need is done by determining the event that happened in the prior to this event.. Explanation provides the event that existed prior to the condition.
How do you understand the term paradigm? What is meant by this term? Why is this term important to the study of research?
My understanding of the term paradigm is that it is a current viewpoint and process from which your mind analyzes information, it’s the way I see the world.
Within normal science, the paradigm is the set of exemplary experiments that are likely to be copied or emulated. The prevailing paradigm often represents a more specific way of viewing reality, or limitations on acceptable programs for future research, than the much more general scientific method (Kuhn, 2012). In the psychological realm, Handa, M.L. (1986) introduced the idea of "social paradigm" in the context of social sciences. He identified the basic components of a social paradigm. Like Kuhn, Handa addressed the issue of changing paradigm; the process popularly known as "paradigm shift". In this respect, he focused on social circumstances that precipitate such a shift and the effects of the shift on the social institutions, including the institution of education. This broad shift in the social arena, in turn, changes the way the individual perceives reality. In social science, the term is used to describe