Answer the following questions on separate papers
Core Studies 1 questions:
Section A
1) The Maguire study on taxi drivers used PET scans.
(a) Explain what a PET scan measured in this study.
(b) Outline one piece of evidence that suggests the brains of taxi drivers are different from the brains of non-taxi drivers.
2) The study by Dement and Kleitman on sleep and dreaming was conducted in a controlled laboratory environment. Outline two controls which ensured the procedure was the same for each participant.
3) Demattè, Österbauer and Spence (smells and facial attractiveness) used a pilot …show more content…
a) Briefly describe the dream content for one participant.
b) What did Dement and Kleitman conclude about the relationship between eye movements and dream content?
Section B
10) Some studies in psychology gather both quantitative and qualitative data. Choose any one of the studies from the list below and answer the questions which follow.
Schachter and Singer (emotion) Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreaming)
a) Outline the procedure of your chosen study.
b) Describe the quantitative and qualitative results of your chosen study.
(c) Using your chosen study as an example, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the qualitative approach?
(d) Suggest a different way of gathering data for your chosen study and say what effect, if any, this would have on the results.
11) Evaluate the studies listed below in terms of reliability.
Demattè, Ősterbauer and Spence (smells and facial attractiveness) Maguire (PET Scans of taxi drivers)
Core Studies 2 questions: