Explain the topic of Sleep & Dreams using two psychological approaches:
InThe first approach is cognitive. In cognitive psychology it looks at of human mental processes and what their part in considering, feeling and behaving. It also focuses on how humans process data and how that individual responds. Researchers in psychology begun to make correlations between a PC and a human mind since cognitive psychology started to become a dominate approach as the same time when computer science was taking off. In sleep and dreams cognitive approach looks at the role of thinking and memory processing. It also tells us that when we are asleep the mind is active and processes the information from the day that we have learned this is similar to a computer. (MCLEOAD,2015) There is the schema which is like a concept it helps us to compose informations. The schema impacts what we see and how we act or make decisions. When are dreaming about things that’s when our mind does not have anything to do this was according to Domhoff (2011). In cognitive approach it focuses on thought processes e.g. scripts and schema. So there might be a …show more content…
There were 9 adults used in this study who were two females and 7 males. The individuals who took part in the study had electrodes on their eyes and scalp so they could measure eye movements and also record the individual’s brain. The individuals were woken up during rem and non-rem sleep many times in the night. However they were not told. There was a recorder that the participants had to speak in. they had to describe what their dream was and if it was either 5 or 15 minutes long. The results were that the individuals experienced rem sleep every night, it was faster. 80% was the mean of dream recall and the non-rem was 7%. This mean that the individuals were good at recalling the dreams in their rem