Hypothesis 1) There is a significant association between REM and reported dreaming.
Hypothesis 2) There is a significant positive correlation between the estimate of time spent dreaming and the measurement of REM sleep.
Hypothesis 3) There is a relationship between the pattern of eye movement and the reported content of the dream.
Research Method
61 nights
9 participants (7 male 2 female)
Participants were connected to an EEG machine to measure brain activity
A door bell was used to wake them up
A tape recorder was used to record the dream content
Participants were told to avoid alcohol and coffee- a control to prevent the effects of alcohol and caffeine affecting the results
Participants were awakened 351times over 61 nights – average of 5.7per subject per night
21% in first two hours
29% in hours 3 + 4
28% in hours 5 + 6
22% in hours 7 + 8
Results for hypothesis 1
REM sleep
Non-REM sleep
Dream Recall
No Dream Recall
Dream Recall
No Dream Recall
Main Findings- Results show participants were much more likely to recall dream in REM sleep then in non-REM sleep.
Results for hypothesis 2
Woken after 5 minutes in REM sleep
Woken after 15 minutes
Hi Kevin, I may of accidentally possibly not saved my completed Research Methods Grid.. however I do have a picture of it on my iPod as I asked my friend for help, am I able to type it up again for you tomorrow and get it to you for Thursday?
I have completed the four questions;
a) Outline the function of the hippocampus as described in Maguire’s study.
- The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe and belongs to the limbic system. The limbic system is the set of brain structures that forms the inner border of the cortex.
b) Outline one difference between the MRI scans of taxi drivers and non-taxi drivers in Maguire’s study.
- The posterior hippocampi of taxi drivers were significantly larger in relation to those of