Today materialistic objects have become even more of a priority in our culture. Material possessions influence people’s lives. People are often judges for what they have or don’t have. This has become a major issue in society as we know it because everyone wants to have the "it" object or item. The human mind has developed an attachment to ownership now referred to as material possession. "Material possession attachment is a multi-faceted property of the relationship between an individual or group of individuals and a specific material object that has been psychologically appropriated, decommodified, and singularized through person-object interaction," (Klein and Baker 5). stating that psychological studies show humans to be attached to certain objects. Many of us probably think we don’t have this issue; however, think about phones, everyone would be completely lost without phones and we can’t even go a day without them. Most humans love the idea of an object being theirs and entitlement. For example, most people would much rather own a house than rent because ownership offers a sense of power. This is how the human mind works. Humans love control over objects and with this comes the desire to possess it. This seems like a close-minded view, but ownership provides a sense of security. Overall, materialistic items make the world what it is because humans love the idea of …show more content…
Although, the truth of that was defied by Europeans because they felt they were superior over all races. This thinking justified owning African American slaves and treating them as property in their minds. Over the years, starting with the ownership of slaves, people have been mistreated and felt impotent against the superior race by not receiving rights and being forced into manual labor. The act of believing you own another person has continued you over the years with many other examples such as, in the Middle East many husbands “own” their wives. The women in Middle East live under command of their husband doing the household chores, not having land, and living off their husband--meaning they can’t survive without them (Elizabeth). Another modern example would be the dictatorship in North Korea and how the citizens have absolutely no rights and the government controls everything. The possession of human is the dehumanizing and is still an issue today which needs to be