CrossFade Lab believes in taking two different ideas and finding points of similarity to easily transition from one to another. The goal in mind of this organization is to foment acceptance and action towards controversial ideas that engulf our society like the treatment of different cultures, the treatment of individuals with different sexual orientations, and civil issues. At this event, Julieta Venegas and Rafa Esparza, two different kinds of art found points of similarity to communicate a message of acceptance. After this explanation, the curator interviewed both artists concerning their work and their stance on various issues. Esparza expressed that he is a homosexual and how he has had to adapt with his family and of the such. The performance continued with both artists combining their talents and Esparza even danced with another man while Venegas played a love
CrossFade Lab believes in taking two different ideas and finding points of similarity to easily transition from one to another. The goal in mind of this organization is to foment acceptance and action towards controversial ideas that engulf our society like the treatment of different cultures, the treatment of individuals with different sexual orientations, and civil issues. At this event, Julieta Venegas and Rafa Esparza, two different kinds of art found points of similarity to communicate a message of acceptance. After this explanation, the curator interviewed both artists concerning their work and their stance on various issues. Esparza expressed that he is a homosexual and how he has had to adapt with his family and of the such. The performance continued with both artists combining their talents and Esparza even danced with another man while Venegas played a love