Concerts Across Time
Professor Gant
Baroque vs. Popular Music Music is the heart of culture and has affected people in more ways than the average person can have on someone. It can take you on a journey or help bring closure to a(n) ending journey. Music has always done this through the changes in time and the persona behind the music. Music will always grasp the changing culture 's heart based on the time period. Baroque music is different from what today 's culture would call popular music. The role of music concerts is also something to be studied further in the paper as well. People who attended Baroque concerts may very well differ from the people who attend today 's rock concerts. Then we cannot forget the impact that technology has had on music of the past and the present. Baroque music can be classified as a dramatic style of music per Websters Dictionary. The concert I chose to listen to was Monteverdi 's Amor Sacro, Amor Profano. This piece was very beautiful and touching. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would have considering I 've never really listened to his music, though I have listened to various other classical composers of the Baroque period. The reason that I enjoyed this concert was because of the ensemble for one. The vocals were very beautiful and relaxing and made me feel at peace with the world around me. Parts of the music made me want to dance in a ballroom wearing a big fancy gown. Other parts of the concert made me think of life as it were back then and wonder what it would 've been like to be there in person and watch the actual performance. On another note popular music deals with music that is popular to today 's society. For this concert, I chose a concert performed by Evanescence which was posted on YouTube. This concert was definitely not a favorite. Though I am familiar with some of their earlier works, this concert was not exactly something to put the mind at ease, it was more of pumping up the crowd
Cited: "Baroque." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2013. . MONTEVERDI: AMOR SACRO, AMOR PROFANO - Selections from Marin Baroque 's Concert, November 17, 2012 Jan. 2013. Web. 19 Sept. 2013. "Pop." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. .