intelligence his glasses represent social order aswell. In to kill the mocking bird people can risk there do’s and dont’s of there decisions. This is entirely true because an example can be the killing of the pig it effects them so they become obsessed with the killing.
Apart from the killing of the pig one major important thing from the novel is that there is no lack of supervision in shaping the boy’s behavior so you can already assume that problems would occur because there are no adult supervison.
In to kill a mocking bird people wouldn’t feel sorry for there actions towards other people, people would just make themselves feel good so there is no pain. Rules and laws make up the way we live, if we didn’t have rules or laws we might not even be here today. Man must have rules in order to control his savage side in the beginning of the book everybody fellows the rules. But when we start to read the conch becomes a symbol of leader so ralph is then the leader, but jack stir’s things and causes chaos because he does not believe that there should be any
The conch shell begins to lose it’s significance because savagery starts taking over all of them mainly because theres competiotn between both Jack & Ralph’s side. Jack denies about the conch by saying your not allowed to use the conch on his side of the island . you can see that without the adults supervision they would ignore the rule’s and laws that they fellow in England and they would show there savagery.
From what I have seen it is quite clear that the boys in TKTMB would always be savag