It is often said that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." However, for many people, no matter their age, gender, or status, beauty is the perception of the "perfect body size." Hair length as well as other attributes of the body that could be altered to suite a person's desires can all cause anxiety that can lead to anorexia nervosa when people push beyond normal body boundaries. Today's media contributes to the ongoing growth of eating disorders because media perpetuates and glorifies unrealistic standards of physical beauty; alongside the influences created by parents and peers. Aside from interpersonal issues, such as depression and OCD, eating disorders are strongly provoked by the media and in some cases due to the influences presented by one's parents or one's peers. Many are unaware of the harm media causes toward its targeted audience. Overall, the media has completely taken over our lifestyle and continues to gain more control every day. Eating disorder is a big problem that many teens face, eating disorder cause’s Anorexia, heart disease, and death. Anorexia is an emotion disorder characterized obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat one of the things that causes anorexia is illness of a body and mind. Heart disease causes blood pressure to reassure, blood drops flow in reduced and muscles starve and lose size that’s what happens to many people who have eating disorder. Eating disorder also causes death because heart disease is the most common medical cause of death. Eating disorder is a disorder that involves extreme disturbances in eating behavior. The self-image in most teens is worse than ever before; not only because we constantly put each other down mentally, but who we idolize makes a huge difference, too.