This is the final chapter of this research with an objective to conclude the thought i.e. IT competencies and capabilities development in an organisation aimed to support critical competitive advantage functions and activities, particularly the knowledge creation/ management and utilising such knowledge in decision making to improve overall performance of the organisation. It can be concluded as a general statement from the whole discussion that these competencies are critical in today’s competitive business environment however; the overall impact and performance would depend on the organisation’s ability to develop such competencies in accordance and alignment with the overall organisational goals and objectives.
Capita financial services being part of the capita group is one of those organisations who successfully achieved such competencies and capabilities over the time and continue to grow them in the changing environment. It is also concluded that capita group being one the market leaders and prominent names in the business domains which it undertakes is also a leader in developing and implementing IT competencies and capabilities. It has developed best decision making tools well supported by the information system resources in terms of information and knowledge resources within and across organisation.
IT has a pivotal role in an organisations information and knowledge management which provides the basis for organisational learning and knowledge creation. The scope and role of IT in knowledge management is complex issue. It involves the both aspects of technology i.e. hard and soft ware, hardware provides the storage or memory of the knowledge management system and software is even have wider scope and includes information systems, decision support systems, business intelligence, technologies for collaborating and distributing knowledge, knowledge discovery, knowledge generation. Capita’s