Throughout life we identify ourselves with fundamental traditions that correlate with us from the early years of our lives. A practice we learned from our ancestors and remains in our families for decades, symbolizing our great legacy and pride. In a distinctive poem “Green Chile” (1989) by Jimmy Santiago Baca, he exhibits a solid connection between his grandmother and chiles. A unique relationship that goes beyond pride and respect for a man who shows appreciation for his native country, despite of who he is today. Baca’s (1989) poem “Green Chile” is an example of how a simple dish has an immense value, expressing appreciation and love for the land where he grew up. In this unique poem, culture and sacrifice are two important messages the writer emphasizes.…
An NIC stands for a Newly Industrialised Country. It is a term used to describe a country that has moved away from an agriculture-based economy and into a more industrialised, urban economy. These countries have a high growth rate. Current NICs include China, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. The average growth rate between these countries is approximately 7.64% compared to the world average of 3.7% (2011). The average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for these NICs is US$10,769 compared to the world average GDP per capita of US$12,000. GDP is a useful indicator of development and a great measure for comparing differences between countries, therefore allowing a clear differentiation between countries that are Highly Industrialised Countries (HICs), Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) or Low Industrialised Countries (LICs). The Human Development Index (HDI) is another strong indicator of development, it includes a combination of statistics: life expectancy, education and income. The average HDI of these NICs is approximately 0.6874. The world average HDI is 0.862.…
Clara Solovera – song writer. Born in Santiago 15 May 1909 – Died in Santiago on 27 January 1992.…
Chile’s HDI value for 2011 is 0.805 in the very high human development category, positioning the country at 44 out of 187 countries and territories. In 2011 the Life expectancy at birth was 79.1, expected years of schooling was 14.7, Means years of schooling was 9.7, GNI per capita was 13,329 and HDI value was 0.805 in Chile. Chiles HDI numbers for each category were higher…
The largest earthquake recorded in the 20th century is the 1960 Valdivia earthquake, also known as the Great Chilean earthquake which occurred on May 22, 1960 and hit approximately 100 miles off the coast of Chile, which is parallel to the city of Valdivia. With a rate of 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale, this earthquake occurred in the afternoon and lasted approximately 2 minutes (brit). After just thirty minutes of the major earthquake, a foreshock shook the area near the towns of Valdivia and Peurta Montt (kids). The four foreshocks that followed had a magnitude of greater than 7.0. The largest earthquake had a magnitude of 7.9 and caused a large amount of damage to the Concepcion area. The devastating earthquake triggered a tsunami just off the coast of central Chile, which affected the entire Pacific Basin (usgs). After Chile, the tsunami traveled hundreds of miles and caused destruction all around the Pacific. The places that experienced the most impact was Hawaii and Japan (2010). The earthquake set off waves which bounced back and forth across the Pacific Ocean for a week (history). The Great Chilean earthquake along with the large tsunamis, has caused substantial damage to the country, it resulted to loss of life and homes, and presented long-term effects. Although the massive destruction had an overall negative…
The southwest part of China is surrounded by hills and mountains. The area is also surrounded by many plate boundaries so it is a common place for many earthquakes and landslides to occur. The area is often in long periods of droughts followed by heavy showers.…
The world’s high-income countries are industrialized nations which have the highest overall standard of living (60 nations).…
The population of the country of Chile is almost 16 million people. The majority of the people live in the dense cities that lie in-between the two mountainous regions. Only 16% of the population brave the rural mountains of this narrow natural resource rich country. The indigenous people (7% of the countries population) make up almost half of the portion of the mountainous population. This section of the population is extremely culture rich in comparison to the rest of the country which is Mestizo (a mix of indigenous and European decent). They have had lots of culture mixing as it includes European culture from more than ten different countries. This has caused…
In a study of a variety of developed countries, the United States had the second highest level of income inequality in the world, right behind Chile. Income inequality has always been a problem in the world, but especially in the United States. There is frequent debate on whether a person is getting a high enough salary or not. If not, the person that is not getting the sufficient funds often resorts back to the argument of their sex, race, or religion. This leads to worrisome debate throughout the country which causes a number of people to point their finger back towards their government. I stand with many other Americans and say that income inequality does threaten democracy in the United States, as well as the world.…
Families living in poverty are unable to provide sufficient incomes for their family, consequently children have to leave their education to help support their families by working in low pay jobs such as manual labour, piecework or agriculture. Therefore, due to the circumstances of many families, children are unable to acquire or finish their education, leading to poorer wellbeing in the future. Mexican government is unable to help improve the circumstances with the poor. This is evident as Mexico is ranked 135/180 for Corruptions Perception Index. The police and government perceived to be highly corrupt and unreliable due to infiltration by organized crime groups and the influence of corrupt politicians.…
Development indicators measure different aspects of a countries development. For example, life expectancy gives an idea of how long a person is expected to live in a particular country. The higher the life expectancy, the longer a person is expected to live and therefore you can make conclusions about the countries level of development can such as the country is likely to have good medical provision and public health. However, a high value does not necessarily indicate a high level of development. For example, a low number of people per doctor actually indicates a more developed country as does a low value for birth rate and death rate.…
For other earthquakes in and about Chile during 2010, see List of earthquakes in Chile occurring in 2010.…
Chile is a lot different than the United States. The first thing that is probably most recognizable is the language. 18.2% of the people in the US speak spanish. 42% of the people in the US speak english. On the other hand only .7% of people speak english in Chile.99.3% of people speak spanish in Chile.…
The life expectancy of Switzerland is 82 years and the life expectancy of India is 65 years. In Switzerland, the GDP per capita is $37,942 whereas the GDP per capita in India is $3163. This shows a positive correlation between the life expectancy and the GDP per capita as the life expectancy is directly proportional to the GDP per capita; the higher the life expectancy, the higher the GDP per capita of the country. When a country is wealthier, they will have more money to provide good health and medical care services. Switzerland has a high GDP per capita, which shows that most of the citizens are wealthy and have enough money to provide more than enough needs such as food, a shelter and medical care to their family. It also shows that the people in Switzerland is financially stable and they don’t have to stress about not having enough money to take care of themselves or their families. It is proven that when a person has less stress, they will usually be healthier and can live longer. However, India has a very low GDP per capita and a low life expectancy comparing to Switzerland. India is a less economically developed country which shows that it is not wealthy enough to provide good health and…
The Cordillera region is a better place to live in than the interior plains as it has a diverse economy, and/ the standards of living are high. Forestry is a big industry in Cordillera. One of the territories in the cordillera is BC, whose forestry industry gives 12 billion dollars every year to the provincial GDP (gross domestic product). It is the amount of goods and services produced in a country during the span of a year. BC produces the most softwood lumber in Canada. Not only is forestry beneficial to the Cordillera Region, it’s also beneficial to Canada. The Lifestyle in the Cordillera Region is very relaxing. There are numerous different cultures as well as friendly people in Cordillera. Research shows that Canada is one of the best…