Limbaugh attacked Fluke on his radio show calling her profanity such as “slut”, as well as nasty remarks such as “She must be paid to have sex! What does that make her? A slut, a prostitute, she wants to be paid to have sex” (Limbaugh). As a woman, wanting contraception does not make you a slut. Fluke’s point was to protect women’s rights, not just her own.…
Can AID be prevented through providing condom in school facility? In Joan Beck’s article, “Clear Message to Teens: “it’s OK to Have Sex”; Joseph Fernandez is providing a plan to try to prevent AID from spreading among the teens in New York City. Fernandez requested the Board of Education to make condom free and available for students in 120 high schools in the city. Fernandez understands the situation where teens are having premature sex regardless of their age. The Board of Education is debating if they wish to approve the offer given by Fernandez. AID in the urban city of New York is a very big factor, 20 % of all teens in the country have the deadly disease live in New York. Joan Beck provides information saying Fernandez’s plan…
Charles Darwin was quoted in 1842 describing the Belize Barrier Reef as "the most remarkable reef in the West Indies" (Encyclopedia). This description still holds true today. The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, which includes the Belize submarine shelf and its barrier reef is the world's second largest barrier reef system and the largest reef complex in the Atlantic-Caribbean area (Programme-wo, 2009). What makes a reef like the Belize Barrier Reef system so special is that coral reefs are the most diverse of all wetlands and are home to more species than any other marine ecosystem (Wells). Also the reef system offers more varieties of coral formation than anywhere else in the Caribbean (Encyclopedia). For people to appreciate and understand the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve system, they need to know about the many species that call this place home, the threats against the preservation of the reef, and what is being done to protect and preserve the reef. Once this happens my hope is more people will become involved in the safeguarding of this wonderful place.…
Doan and Williams examine abstinence only sex education in American public schools and how it contributes to the social constrains of women. This novel evaluates what the effects of abstinence only sex education, showing that this from of education doesn’t effectively prevent adolescence from having sex and can increase the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Doan is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Kansas and the chair of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She has also the author of Opposition and Intimidation: The Abortion Wars and Strategies of Political Harassment. Williams is an Associate Professor of Political Science at California Polytechnic State University and has written a novel and many articles on homelessness. Primary sources are analyzed to show the results of abstinence only education compared to comprehensive sex education. This novel contains a lot of information about sex education in USA that is not entirely relevant to the topic of the social construct of virginity and how it affects women in Canada and USA from 2000- 2015; however, the information about gender politics ties in with the construct of virginity and how it generates the use of abstinence only education which can perpetuate sexual disempowerment, distorted power dynamics in relationships, and increased vulnerability to sexual assault is useful information.…
Which environmental forces sociocultural, economic, political, legal, regulatory social ethical, competitive, or technical, might a marketer need to consider when marketing the following products in the international marketplace and why?…
In today’s world, Democrats and Republicans find themselves in heated battles over women’s rights. Abortion is a controversial topic, and leads to a divide within the American people. However, this is not a new concept. A similar fight about birth control took place in the 1920s, in addition to a parallel argument between men and women over gender roles and expectations. With the passage of the 19th Amendment, women gained the right to vote. Thereafter, they became more independent, which led to changes in society. Young Americans more openly discussed and portrayed their sexuality, and as a result premarital sex became more and more common. Having recently gained the right to vote, birth control and the negative light cast on women’s sexuality…
Every year the population in Texas is steadily growing. One social issue that continues to challenge Texas residents is Teen Pregnancy. According to the Texas Department of Health, "every ten minutes a Texas teen becomes pregnant." Because of those statistics Texas has held one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the United States. Which raises the question, Should condoms be available to teens in Texas high schools? Some parents and educators suggest that providing condoms in Texas high schools is condoning sexual behavior. Others believe that teens should have access to condoms to help protect their sexual health and an unwanted pregnancy. After considering both sides of the issues I strongly suggest that condoms be available for teens in Texas high schools so they are properly equipped to have safe sex and to decrease the rates of unwanted teen pregnancy and teens contracting STD's or HIV.…
Soaring rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens are adding urgency to the debate over sex education. Conservatives claim the alarming statistics illustrate why abstinence should be the single mantra when it comes to sex ed. Liberals counter that the increase in disease is the strongest case for more detailed information. Caught in the middle are America’s kids, who are more vulnerable than ever to potentially deadly diseases.…
In recent years, the question of whether schools should teach abstinence only programs or comprehensive sex education has been debated rigorously. Through his 2013 published piece, “Educating for Character in the Sexual Domain”, author Thomas Lickona focuses on the benefits of abstinence only programs. He uses the argument that abstinence creates character in today’s youth and cites multiple sources that support his viewpoint. On the other side of the discussion, authors of the article “Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S.”, David Hall and Kathrin Stanger-Hall address the lack of efficiency abstinence only programs provide. Published in 2011, their article relies heavily on…
Also there has been fifteen year drop in teen pregnancies and STDs, but it is not because of contraceptive sex education. “Meanwhile, a large body of research reveals the real key to reducing teen sexual irresponsibility: parents' willingness to discuss their sexual values with their kids. If schools did away with sex education classes and instead sponsored seminars to help parents become better sex educators at home, it's clear that teen pregnancies and STDs would decline” (Castleman). Parents are able to encourage safe sex with their children and sexual responsibility. Teenagers are more likely to listen to their parents than their teachers about sexual activity. Castleman also explains that the fifteen year drop in teen pregnancy and STDs is not because of either sex education classes but because of the parents. It is clear that parents are the only one able to get through to their children not expensive sex education programs. Programs should be developed where both parents and teenagers can attend so parents know what is being told to their children and teenagers can discuss what they have learned with their parents. With programs like this the parents and teenager can decide what is best for them whether it is abstinence or the promotion of safe sex. DeWitt quotes the Advocates of Youth, “This basic human right…
“The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually” (“Teen Pregnancy”). Based on these statistics, high schoolers often enjoy unprotected sex. However, teenagers are not even close to being mature enough for the responsibility of raising a child. It is not an age issue, but a mental one, since teenagers do not realize that if protection is not used, they are simply asking for a baby. Teens do not bother thinking about the repercussions, and therefore, are missing out on life’s opportunities, including college, and a social life. Since parental wrath and abuse has not worked as a solution thus far, I propose to strike against teen pregnancy in a way that punishes the mother, father, and also the baby. Enumerating the consequences will assure the drastic drop of unprotected, premarital sex in the United States, since these repercussions will dissuade other teenagers from making the same mistake.…
The government and schools must now step in and place more effective abstinence programs to ensure that students are bombarded by information on the negative effects of sex. As Timken High shows us, many states have pitiful curriculums that are currently set. It does not make any logical sense to keep inadequate courses in the schools if they do not work! I thought schools and the government were responsible for teaching students information that would help them succeed in modern society and make smart decisions. By keeping these ineffective programs, it sends an implied message that the educational bodies simply do not care. Instead of working to ensure the achievement of a goal, they are, in some respect, condoning premarital sex. Currently in the state of California, there is a required sexual education class that all high school students must take before graduating. The program in California as well as that in Ohio is relatively similar in many respects. While not yet proven to be ineffective, the situation in Ohio and Timken High should be enough to compel education directors to alter the current curriculum. With schools being such an integral part in students' lives, schools must become a front runner in the battle against high school pregnancies. It is definitely a bold charge, yet essential, for schools' are held accountable for doing what is best for their…
When I think of the word “sex” I think of intimacy, privacy, and discretion. For most teenagers sex is just what is popular at the time. They don’t understand that it is not like any other fad. Now that sex has become popular it is the parents’ job to do something to change it. Children are taught how to interact with others and the difference of what is right and wrong by their parents from birth. If parents don’t teach their kids that no amount of popularity is worth the burden of a child at a young age then no one will. In Anna Quindlen’s essay “Sex Ed” she sat with six 16 year old girls at a family planning clinic in New York, the girls knew a lot about sex but were also pregnant. Where were their parents? Schools are wasting their money on sex ed classes. Do you really want a stranger to teach your child about sex anyway? It is important for our children to be educated about sexuality, but it is not the schools’ place to teach it.…
"Sex Education: Should Condoms be distributed in Schools?" was very eye catching to the reader. The author of this essay Rush H. Limbaugh III, points out a lot of good points here which I highly agree with. Sex education can be very tricky, what are its limitations? What should the students be taught and what shouldn't they be taught? If my memory serves me right, I don't remember ever receiving any condoms from any schools I attended. From what I recall from my sex education class, it was clear that abstinence was the right way to go. We were all well informed of the consequences of having unprotected sex and protected sex for that matter. And for most of us who hadn't had sex yet, the videos that were shown in class were good enough to ensure us that abstinence was the way we were going. But for those schools that are issuing out condoms in sex education class, should that be allowed? I think that giving away condoms in sex education classes should not be allowed for several reasons. It pressures students into having sex. It makes students believe that having sex will be ok because they now have condoms to protect themselves from any diseases out there. And let's not forget about getting pregnant.…
Rush Limbaugh is a well-known man for speaking his mind on his radio show and through interviews. Limbaugh the author of The Way Things Ought To Be, The Way Things Aren’t and The IRS v. the People; he’s also a radio talk show host in Sacramento CA. Limbaugh wrote an article on sex education titled, Should Condoms Be distributed in Schools? While Rush Limbaugh article may be convincing, but when reading his article his argument is not secure. He uses Argument ad Hominem Post Hoc Ergo and Proof by Example, He’s article is vague by his poor choice of words and not interacting with his audience in a direct way.…