1. Canada East (Quebec) residents might lose their language and culture.
2. The British Navy was the most powerful in the world and would no longer be obligated to defend Canada if it gave up its colonial status.
3. An intercontinental railway would improve trade and transportation.
4. Smaller Maritime businesses wouldn’t be able to compete with larger companies from Canada West (Ontario) and Canada East (Quebec).
5. High intercolonial tariffs (import taxes) were hurting trade. These could be eliminated if the colonies united.
6. A larger, united armed forces would be better able to fend off Fenian attacks.
7. One national government would eliminate the problem of double majority, where Canada West and Canada East often disagreed on proposed legislation and would create political deadlock in the legislature.
8. Prince Edward Island had no need for a railway and but would probably have to contribute money for its construction.
9. One unified country could better defend against American manifest destiny.
10. Due to their small