A set of rules that states personal information should be kept private – All information is considered to be personal property.
Within an adult social care setting, an example of this would be to keep information about a patient’s medical condition private. Any added information given should be treated with respect.
Maintaining confidentiality:
Keep yourself informed of all laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
Storage: Keep all written documents and notes in a safe place, shred what is not needed and any paper work that is kept should be filed in a locked cabinet or an a data protected computer.
Don’t gossip: Share the information in an informative manner with the people who need to be informed. Only use facts.
Sharing Information:
The only time information should be passed on or shared with others is on a need to know basis or if the information provided put anyone at harm. The information should only then be shared to other professionals or carers of the individual receiving the service.
Example of when you may share information: If a client has a medical condition which is causing them to display random acts of violent behaviour you would share this to other carers so they are aware and can look at any risk assessments in place.
Seeking Advice:
If you are unsure about what to do at any stage, there are a number of possible sources of help including:
- Your manager - Your professional body or association - Public Concern at Work (Charity)