Every individual have rights and for them to have the best care they should be able to practice their rights as long as it doesn’t affect others around them or put themselves in danger. To have a supportive relationship with someone you would have to respect and value them and allow them to exercise their rights. One of the key principles in caring for a people is to develop a supportive relationship by helping and enabling them, this is done by empowering. Empowering clients means that a carer should give their clients choices when caring for them. For example, Mrs Martin is Muslim and she doesn’t eat pork but most of the other clients’ enjoys eating pork, so whenever pork is being prepared in the home for the other clients to eat the carer always ensure that Mrs Martin is given a choice about what she would like to eat. Giving clients choices will give them the sense of dignity and independence this will encourage them to take control over their own life and at the same time carer would be empowering their clients. This therefore means that carer is respecting clients’ right in a supportive relationship. Maintaining privacy is another way individual rights should be respected. Whenever a carer is entering a room that is close and a client is within that room, carer should always ask to go into the room before entering the room. As these individual have a right to privacy. This will help carer to establish a supportive relationship with their clients.
As well as maintaining privacy carer should maintain confidentiality, as individuals have a right to confidentiality. Confidential information should be kept private because if a client has confidential information exposed then they may feel insecure about themselves and it will have a great effect on them, so it is important to respect individual rights by maintaining confidentiality.
Another way an individual right can