Acupuncture is used for a large range of conditions and some individuals combine acupuncture with their treatment. Acupuncture has a range of advantages and is usually treated for common conditions such as: • headache and migraine • chronic pain, including neck and back pain • joint pain • dental pain • post-operative pain • post-operative nausea and vomiting • allergies, including hay fever and eczema • fatigue • depression and anxiety • digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) • infertility and menstrual disorders …show more content…
There are normally risks with all treatments to help certain conditions. There can be different risks with different people while having acupuncture and everyone is different. When an individual visits an acupuncturist risks would then firstly be explain and what the individual is most at risk of. Side effects of the treatment can also differ. However, the side effects will always only be temporary. Side-effects of acupuncture can include • discomfort when the needle is inserted • drowsiness, which can last for a few hours (so bear this in mind if you plan to drive home) • dizziness • fainting or feeling faint • bruising or bleeding at the site of the needle • a temporary worsening of your symptoms • There can also be some complications after the treatment that an individual may experience. These cases are usually very rare but can be potential, for example: • infection, although sterile disposable needles should be used to reduce the risk • damage to an internal organ from the insertion of a needle
An individual should always tell an acupuncturist of any problems they are experiencing and also if they are pregnant.
An advantage of chiropractors is that they treat a large range of different conditions: • neck pain • shoulder pain and problems • slipped discs • leg pain and sciatica • pain or problems with hip, knee, ankle and foot joints • pain or problems with elbow, wrist and hand joints • fibromyalgia • Lower back pain • Some chiropractors treat a wide range of conditions that are unrelated to muscles, bones and joints, such as: • asthma • allergies • painful periods • infant colic • headache and migraine • high blood pressure • mental health conditions, such as depression, phobias or anxiety disorders • gastrointestinal disorders (of the stomach and bowel)
They may also use chiropractic treatments to maintain overall good health for individuals with less movement or more pain.
There are many different side effects that individual may experience from this complementary therapy. For example:
Mild pain in the first 24 hours
More serious contraindications after neck manipulation are:
Damaged arteria (Rare)
Damage to upper spine (Rare)
Individuals who suffer from osteoporosis or weak bones should not have this therapy done because this therapy is a very physical therapy and individual with these disorders will suffer from very weak bones which could become damaged after the treatment.
The most common uses of hypnosis include smoking cessation, weight loss and reduced stress. Advantages of other broad uses include self-improvement, sports performance enhancement, eliminating apprehensions, pain management (with doctor approval) and psychic exploration. Other problems for which hypnotherapy have proven successful includes:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Migraines
- Pain Control
- Alcohol Abuse
- Panic Attacks
- Insomnia
- Exam Nerves
- Sexual/Relationship Problems
- Confidence Building
- Public Speaking
- Past Life Regression
Signs and symptoms which can be treated
Hypnosis is usually considered an aid to psychotherapy (counselling or therapy), because the hypnotic state allows people to explore painful thoughts, feelings, and memories they might have hidden from their conscious minds.
The hypnotic state allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestion. It can improve the success of other treatments for many conditions, including: • Phobias, fears, and anxiety • Sleep disorders • Depression • Stress • Post-trauma anxiety • Grief and loss
Hypnotherapy is not a dangerous procedure. However, Hypnosis might not be appropriate for a person who has psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, or for someone who is using drugs or alcohol. It should be used for pain control only after a doctor has evaluated the person for any physical disorder that might require medical or surgical treatment. Hypnosis also may be a less effective form of therapy than other more traditional treatments, such as medication, for psychiatric disorders.
Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage has it advantages as it is usually used for: • Back pain • Tendinitis • Headaches • Circulation & respiratory problems •
Stress • Pleasure • Relaxation • Sport injuries • Depression • Insomnia • High blood pressure • Digestive problems
Side effects of this treatment can be:
Slight bruising
Slight pain 24 hours after
It could cause inflamed joints to become more inflamed
It can increase the spread of infection
Irritate skin conditions such as sores
Some individuals may have allergies to the oils
It can cause increased urination.
Individual who have had chemotherapy and individuals who are more likely to develop blood clots or have burns are not recommended to have a massage. Women who are pregnant may only have a slight massage as they are not recommended to lye on their stomach.