E1 & E2
A statutorily provision for children’s care and education in Chatteris is Cromwell Community College. The Community College …show more content…
take in children from the ages of 11-16 years old. The College is funded by the Local Education Authority (LEA) and the curriculum is set by the national government “The National Curriculum, taught to all pupils in state or maintained schools” (Directgov:2012). The curriculum which is followed is the national curriculum. From years 7 to 9 the following GCSE subjects are mandatory: english, science, maths, I.C.T, physical education, design & technology, music, modern foreign languages (MFL), religious education, geography, and history. The College ensure they follow the guidelines set by the Equality Act 2010. This is done by having an admission policy and an equality policy. Children whose family are on means tested benefits may be entitled to free school dinners, whereas those children whose family are earning above a certain income will not be entitled to free school dinners. The College premises allow easy access for those who may have physical disabilities.
Child-minders also provide care and education for children aged 0-5 years of age. For parents to access this service they will need to pay. However the government will fund 15 hours of free care and education, anything above this then parents will need to pay. Even though the child-minder is a private care and education provider, it still has to implement the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum for the under-fives. Child-minders help to support families by being flexible with their times that they are able to look after children. This type of setting is a home from home feeling for the child/ren. Meals can either be provided by parents or child-minders.
Oxfam is voluntary setting. This means this setting has no government funding. All money which the charity receives is from public donations. The money received is used to provide better care and education for both children and their families. Things such as water pumps, vegetable patches, textbooks and schools, toilets, and medicine are all a result of how far just a tiny amount from each person can go a very long way.
The Children Act 2004 was brought in to make provision about different services provided both to and for children and young people by local authorities. It was also brought in to ensure that every child matters by making provision about the different types of children’s care and education services.(Legislation:2012) The following aims are put at the heart of the Act: to be healthy, to ensure safety, to enjoy and achieve, to make a positive contribution and also to achieve economic well-being. The Children Act 2004 is designed to ensure that different services for children’s care and education work more effectively together to provide more knowledgeable services. (p:59;Blake et al;2009)
The Childcare Act 2006 is divided up in to four different parts; “duties on local authorities in England, duties on local authorities in Wales, regulation and inspection arrangements for childcare providers in England, and general provisions.”(p:144;Blake et al;2009) This is an act to make a delivery about the duties and powers of the local authorities in relation to the development of the well-being of children and also to the provision of children’s care and the sharing of information to parents/carers.(Legislation:2012) The welfare requirements affect much of the day-to-day practice within the setting. (p:117;Tassoni;2007)
The Data Protection Act 1998 prevents personal and confidential information passed on without that person’s consent. This includes information which is stored electronically, on film or video, tape recorded, and hand written onto paper. “There are eight enforceable principles of practice. Information must be: processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate; not kept longer than necessary; processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights; secure; not transferred to countries that do not have adequate protection; fairly and lawfully processed.”(p:70;Blake et al;2009)
The Equality Act 2010 protects people, from direct and indirect harassment, discrimination and victimisation, with the following protected characteristics: “age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; sex; sexual orientation.” The act was brought in to take action to promote equality and also to reduce inequalities. Reasonable adjustments are measures which are either put in place or the removal of certain barriers that would then disadvantage disabled people without a justifiable reason. (p:127&133;Oliver & Pitt;2011)
The Education Act 2011 is an act to make establishment about children’s care and education, schools and the school workforce, apprenticeships and training for those who wish to work in this career. This act also has made provisions about being able to offer student loans to those who are less fortunate. This act was brought in to help children and young people. It enables disadvantaged two-year-olds up to 15 hours' of free Early Years education; lengthens the Secretary of State's powers to intervene in schools which may be underperforming. (Legislation:2012)
The principles that underpin working with children are as follows: the welfare of the child is paramount; contribution to children and young people’s care, education and development from practitioners; practitioners work with parents/carers or any other family members who are a part in the child’s care, education and development, and are also the child’s first educator. The values are as follows: the child’s rights, views and needs are at the centre constantly; difference, individuality and diversity are celebrated; equality and anti-discrimination are both actively promoted as well as the child’s health and well-being; personal and physical safety of the child is safeguarded, whilst challenges and risks are allowed appropriately; self-esteem, resilience and a positive self-image are all recognised as being essential to the child’s development; confidential information is to be appropriately respected unless the child’s safety and protection is at risk; all professional views are shared appropriately; practitioners are to reflect to other colleagues and are on a continuous search for improvement. (Scribd:2012)
It is important to value all children in the setting to ensure that no child feels isolated and unable to join in. A range of activities that involves different cultures should be available, this way no child is left out and other children can also learn about the background and religion of others. An activity could include trying different cultural foods and also making them. Respect towards children should always be shown even if they are disrespecting you. Children copy and pick things up from adults and other children, if respect is shown towards them and other children and staff, then they will soon pick up how to respect others. If this is learnt at an early age then this will reduce the number of incidents reported due to bullying or racism.
Knowing your boundaries when working with children is important to make sure that private information only reaches to those who need to know. If information is passed onto the wrong person, then this can put the practitioner’s job and also the child’s safety into danger. Good time keeping is essential as this sets an example to children. It also shows that you are committed to your job. If the practitioner is late to start a class, then the children’s learning will be set back. Organisation is also very important when working with children and young people. If the practitioner is unorganised then this could be a safety hazard to others. E.g. If scissors were left out because the practitioner is busy doing something else as s/he is unorganised. Knowing your limits when managing children’s behaviour involves knowing which situations you can get involved with and how you should go about it, but also being aware of your own actions too. When managing the child/ren’s behaviour, practitioners need to be careful of distracting them from what they are supposed to be doing in order to keep them calm.
Study skills which will be needed to complete my training successfully are things like note taking, self-research, learning the qualities of being a professional practitioner, being an effective team player or individual worker, good time management, and presentation skills.
These study skills will help me during my work as note taking and self-research is what I have learnt myself and will always have to look back on if needed. Learning the qualities of being a professional practitioner will help me during my work as I know what I can and cannot do whilst around children and young people. Being an effective team play or individual worker will help me as I will be working with others, but also will be a confidence boost for myself. As an individual worker, this shows that this is one of my strengths and that I feel comfortable with which way I work or who I work with. Time management is a key study skill. This means that I will not be holding back the children’s and young people’s learning, and that I will also be setting a good example to the younger ones. Presentation skills are also needed in near enough everything you do. Even if the practitioner is just explaining something, s/he is still presenting herself and the way she speaks to the
Practitioners should always develop and maintain appropriate relationships with parents/carers because it makes the parents feel more confident that their child/ren are safe. This is also more comforting for the parents/carers if any personal information was to be passed on, and knowing that it will be kept strictly private. This is also known as social referencing and is an important part of early social development. Have a friendly approach with parent/carers, but be sure not to treat them as though they are close friends or family members. Appropriate relationships should also be maintained with other professionals as this can gain mutual trust, respect, and also make your workplace a happy environment. Information can be shared and know that other practitioners will not pass it on if it is unnecessary. (p:12;Tassoni;2007)
Working in a multi-agency team has many positive effects. The differences between agencies are the services that they provide which offers support for children and their families. All of the services available are structured within the local authority, they help to provide the correct services for the correct situation. Joint training is also provided so that the trainee is not specified to one area of learning. This is an advantage to the work ethic as all situations can be assessed with no delays. The needs can be met with more profession which then reflects on providing better support for the parents. Multi-agency team working involves anyone whose job puts them to working with children, young people and their families. With a multi-agency approach, professionals have permission to share knowledge about the family’s needs so that parents/carers do not have to be asked repeated questions. This also means that professionals are aware of other professional’s role in supporting the child/ren and their family.(p:11;Tassoni;2007)
It is essential that Early Years practitioners listen to the children’s views and value their opinions because every child matters and has a right to be heard. All children are special and unique in their own ways. Every child and young person has the right to express his or her views freely – about everything that affects him or her; every child and young person has the right to freedom of expression, including the right to all kinds of information and ideas (unless there are legal restrictions); every child and young person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (unless there are legal restrictions). If a child is not listen to no matter what the situation may be, then this can lower the child’s self-esteem and make s/he feel that no one want to listen. This also can also affect the child’s well-being as if a child feels like no one wants to listen then this can lead to feeling depressed or even lead to self-harming. This can also then have a knock-on effect on the child’s parents. If a child is depressed, then the parents will feel down too as their child is not happy. (Crae:2012)
It is important that practitioners understand the limits and boundaries of their role when working with children because of the safety in their job and also the safety of children and young people. Practitioners should never mention a situation going on with a child to another person who is not related. This is invading the child’s and family’s privacy and sharing their personal and confidential information. Personal and private information should be kept either locked in a cupboard where the keys are only to be given to people where it is necessary, or on a password protected database file on a computer system. Giving either keys or a password that allows someone to look into the private files is a breach of confidentiality. The practitioner will then be putting the child’s and their family’s safety into danger. Practitioners also need to know when to limit their behaviour. When working with children, it is sometimes required that you act silly and join in with acting like a child. This needs to be limited to a certain time, and know when to act sensible again. There are four particularly important areas which need to always be kept in mind when thinking about your role, and boundaries: health and safety; managing children’s behaviour; child protection; confidentiality. None of these are to be breached even if it is a little mistake. (p:10;Tassoni;2007)
It is important to have a child centred approach so that the children’s education is achieved to the best of their ability. Resources and activities in and around the setting needs to be adapted to suit the child’s needs; the way you communicate needs to be adapted to the child’s needs e.g. use small and simple words that young people will be able to understand, making learning fun by introducing play; make sure that the child/ren are at the centre of attention all the time, this makes them feel a lot happier to know that they are being listened to and that their ideas are being put to use; learn what the child’s weaknesses and strengths are. This makes planning activities and carrying them out a lot easier for the practitioner. Knowing the child’s weaknesses and strength also has sub-categories such as: allergies; disabilities; illnesses etc.
Directgov:2012 [online] http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/ExamsTestsAndTheCurriculum/DG_4015959
[Accessed on 03/10/12]
Crae:2012 [online] http://www.crae.org.uk/rights/uncrc.html [Accessed on 05/10/12]
Google Books:2012 [online] http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-cTWcDCpiAIC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false [Accessed on 05/10/12]
Tassoni, P (2007) Child Care and Education. Oxford: Heinemann
Blake, L et al (2009) Children’s Care, Learning & Development. Essex: Heinemann