Hosseni’s ‘The Kite Runner’ is a haunting novel that follows one man’s search for redemption, as he attempts to atone for sins committed in the selfishness of youth. Due to focusing predominantly on his own needs, as a child in Afghanistan, our protagonist, Amir, allows his childhood playmate to get raped without intervening. This decision then plagues him for decades after the event. He experiences internal conflict arising from an overt wish to fully redeem himself for his actions and an underlying need to punish himself due to his moral understanding that he cannot ever truly undo what he had done. Hosseni allows us to experience the ebb and flow of Amir’s internal conflict as his life unfolds. Despite achieving moments of solace and even happiness throughout his life, the guilt continues to return to him. Hosseni then shows us how it is only through acceptance of the past and realisation of the temporary nature of all emotions that true resolution can occur.
The resolution of Amir’s internal struggle with his guilt is vitally important to the text as a whole as Hosseni uses it to highlight how Amir has grown as a character since the start of the novel. Kite Runner is a prime example of a Bildungsroman, a ‘coming-of-age’ tale, as it follows Amir in his development from a selfish child into a considerate and honorable man. The Amir we are first introduced to is a wholly unpleasant one. He cruelly teases Hassan for being illiterate and take any anger or sadness out on him despite only receiving loyalty in return. Further, when Amir was 12 he allowed his closest friend and loyal servant to get raped, simply because he believed that not taking action and sweeping it all under the carpet would lead to a better relationship with his father, something he craved dearly. ‘Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba.’ This inherently selfish act was