Philosopher Emerson once said “every coin has two sides; so do conflicts”. In the pages of human history, conflicts are unavoidable and while major conflicts such as war have been evil forces in the world it can also produce very positive results. That is not to say conflict is entirely positive. When conflict arises there are those individuals that show unexpected qualities; those assets that are sudden and unforseen. These assets can be seen in the movie The Sapphires through the character Dave and on a global scale through Mandela. Unfortunately there are also those individuals who in the midst of conflict express unexpected negative traits. This can be seen through the characters Gail and Kay in The Sapphires and most recently through Eddie McGuire. Ultimately, until individuals are challenged we will never truly know how they will react.
In times of a dilemma there are those persons who in the midst of chaos arise with abilities unpredicted. Conflict can be best described as a disagreement, clash or an argument between two parties usually concerning matters on beliefs, ideas or individuals. This is encountered throughout the movie The Sapphires and explores people’s reactions during conflict. Somewhat down on his luck the movie introduces the character of Dave, sleeping in his car, being woken by kids, stumbling in to his work with only a top and his undies on, and having a beer. This representation shows the audience Dave dishevelled and “on [his] last warning” from the licensee. When the girls get up on stage and perform they are welcomed with silence and disapproval. During their song, however, Dave is impressed by their singing and plays the piano and when the judging is finalised and awarded he refutes the decision displaying a previously unnoticed quality of integrity.
Similarly on a grander scale, Nelson Mandela, possesses such unexpected attributes. A staunch believer in the abolishment in