Proposal on how to improve Essoka Security Company conflict management strategy
Table of content
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………3-4
Problem statement…………………………………………………………………………..4
Conflict Management Process……………………………………………………………..5-6
Research methodology to analyse current conflict management process……………6-7
Data analysis………………………………………………………………………………….7-8
Analysis of the conflict management strategy…………………………………………….8-9
Alternative strategies for conflict management…………………………………………...9-13
Conflict management action plan…………………………………………………………..14
To: CEO Essoka Security
From: Chia Kingsly Yoh
Date: 9th of August 2014
Re: Proposal to improve Essoka Security Company Conflict Management Process
Executive Summary
Essoka Security is a well renowned private security company in Cameroon, offering exceptional combination of Security Officer Solutions, anti-intrusion and hazard systems, tracking and supervision systems to their customers as referenced in appendix I. The company which was founded in 1995 is experiencing a rapid growth and the numbers of employees have increased from 15 workers when it just started to 3000 workers as of present.
With the ever increasing number of employees, the conflict management process which was adopted 4yrs after the companies creation to address the needs of its 450 employees, mostly centered around compensation and benefits, now faces the challenge to handle disputes from 3000 employees now centered around accountability, roles and responsibility, compensation and benefit, personality differences, communication and decision making process. Although management has been struggling to
References: Budjac Corvette, B.A (2007).Conflict Management. A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation strategies Essoka Security Company Profile Grunig, James and Hunt (1994) Managing Public Relations, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Hocker, J.L., and W.W. Wilmot (1985) Interpersonal conflict; Dubuque, Lowa: Wm.C.Brown Publishers Hughs.R, Ginnett.R, and Curphy.G (2002) Leadership Development (2nd edition) Blake.R, and Mouton.J (1984) Solving Costly Organizational Conflicts Wayne Ellen, (2004) Conflict in Organisations- is it always bad news? Wilmot, William, Hocker and Joyce (2007) Interpersonal Conflict (7th edition) McGraw-Hill Appendix I