Part 1: Define/Explain each concept and give examples where appropriate. Listing is fine. Please Number your answers. (Worth 2 points each)
1. Types of conflict – intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, intragroup conflict, and intergroup conflict.
2. Controlling style of conflict management – managing conflict by hard bargaining or in terms of “might makes right.”
3. Co-operative style of conflict management – a conflict management style where people who work with the other party to find a mutually beneficial solution.
4. Eros love – intense emotion, sentiment, idealization.
5. Storge love – friendship, compassion, trust, similarity in values and attitudes.
6. Pragma love – assets of partner, lack of …show more content…
Consensual Family – encourage the children to have openness with the world’s ideas, yet without disrupting the family’s harmony and hierarchy of opinion.
29. Laissez Faire Family – have little parent to child communication in either structure.
30. Protective Family – the tendency to protect family image and restricting family information from outsiders. Can be dangerous in cases of wife abuse.
31. List 2 Family Relational Dialectics – the tension between closeness and openness has to do with the conflict between the desire to be in a closed, exclusive relationship, and a relationship that is open to other people. The tension between autonomy and connection, which seems to occur more often as the relationship progresses, involves the desire to remain an autonomous, independent individual but also to connect intimately to another person and to a relationship.
32. Helicopter parent – a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her children 's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions.
33. 3 types of Workplace Peers – informational peers, collegial peers, special peers.
34. Downward Communication – communication from the higher levels of a hierarchy to the lower levels. Ex: from managers to employees or from the dean to …show more content…
Legitimate Power – power a person has because others believe that this person has the right, by his or her position, to influence or control their behavior. (A doctor).
40. Referent power – power that one has because others desire to identify with or be like that individual.
Part 2: Short Essay: Please write your answers to the following questions in essay form. Make sure you answer all parts of the question. (Worth 5 points each.)
1. Identify and Explain the 5 Myths of Romantic Relationships. (We also called these “dysfunctional relationship beliefs.)
• Disagreement is destructive – disagreement can be a healthy good thing for a relationship.
• Mind reading is mandatory – your partner cannot read your mind, therefore, you need to communicate to them.
• Partners can’t change their behaviors – people can change if they really want to.
• Every sexual encounter should be perfect – every sexual encounter is not perfect and it is normal for it not to be.
• Men and women are fundamentally different in expression of emotion, perceptions, and communication – men and women can be fundamentally the same in expression of emotion, perceptions, and