Rev. 09/04
Conflicts of Interest and the
Case of Auditor
Independence: Moral
Seduction and Strategic Issue
Don A. Moore
Carnegie Mellon University
Philip E. Tetlock
Haas School of Business
Lloyd Tanlu
Harvard Business School
Max H. Bazerman
Harvard Business School
This paper has benefited from the feedback of Art Brief, George Loewenstein, and three anonymous reviewers of an earlier version of the paper. This paper was supported by a grant from the American Accounting Association.
Copyright © 2003 Don A. Moore, Philip E. Tetlock, Lloyd Tanlu, and Max H. Bazerman.
Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only.
It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author.
Conflict of Interest
A series of financial scandals, climaxing in the 2002 bankruptcy of the Enron
Corporation, revealed a key weakness in the American business model: the failure of the U.S. auditing system to deliver true independence. We offer a two-tiered analysis of what went wrong. At the more micro tier, we advance moral-seduction theory which explains why professionals are often unaware of how morally compromised they have become by conflicts of interest. At the more macro tier, we offer issue-cycle theory which explains why conflicts of interest of the sort that compromised major accounting firms are so pervasive. The latter theory depicts organizations as norm creators (not just followers) that: (a) relentlessly seek out rentseeking opportunities under rhetorical smokescreens designed to create attributional ambiguity about their intentions; (b) retreat only under intense pressure, such as that created when conflicts of interest lead to significant losses among important political constituencies; and (c) as soon as outrage wanes, reconcentrate their lobbying efforts to gain the
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