M. Lakeisha Manigault
Professor Sharon Thomas
Strayer University
October 19, 2014
Conflicting ViewPoints
Peter Elbow’s introduction to “The Believing Game” and “The Doubting Game” is undeniably the easiest way for anyone to acclimate themselves into the art and the concept of critical thinking. Some of us are already predisposed to unconsciously operate in some of the principles explained by Mr. Elbow and use it daily. While others of us had no idea critical thinking could be so fun, challenging, and rewarding.
The Believing and The Doubting game are principles, mindsets if you will, the invoke one to think outside of the box. To step into a realm of possibility that one’s way of thinking may not be absolutely correct or incorrect. It forces an individual to think objectively and find ways to be discredit a particular belief or idea believed in and support a belief or idea that one doesn’t believe in or agree with. In The Believing Game, Peter Elbow presents to the reader all of the reasons why we should see things objectively. Mainly because an objective mind can make better decisions and an idea or belief is stronger when all possibilities have been exhausted. In addition, The Doubting Game likewise, it strengthens one’s position when the idea or belief has been examined from every angle. Though I believe The Doubting Game is a little more difficult than The Believing Game, I believe both bring an aspect to critical thinking that incites great conversation and problem solving.
This conflicting viewpoint essay will be written regarding the issue of medicinal marijuana and the legalization of the drug across the nation. I personally have no real attachment to marijuana in general however having used it recreationally and witnessed the actual effects of it on a close friend I believe it should be legalized for use in the medical field. I have not preference on whether or not it is legalized in the recreational
References: Collins, Underground Health Reporter. (2011). Holy Basil An Alternative to Medical Marijuana : Underground Health Reporter. Retrieved from http://undergroundhealthreporter.com/holy-basil-an-alternative-to-medical-marijuana-treatmen/#axzz3Gcc1UcJe Jerry S Mandel, PhD. (1998). Providing Medical Marijuana: The Importance of Cannabis. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Joycelyn Elders, MD. (2004). Myths About Medical Marijuana. Providence Journal. Kevin Sabet, PhD. (2011, October 21). California Medical Association 's Decision Not Based on Public Health. Huffington Post. Michael Bloomberg, MBA. (2013, May 31). The John Gambling Show With Mayor Mike [Radio]. Ralph Nader, LLB (2004, October 8). Drug War Chronicle. US Food and Drug Administration. (2006, April 20). Inter-Agency Advisory. Retrieved from http://www.fda/gov