Conformity in society forces citizens to be happy, in comparison to gears that rotate for the one purpose of completing the objective.
Each individual accept their caste, which is brought upon them from birth to ensure that their role provides them with happiness over the thought of Freedom. As a child in the following Society, they were groomed to abandon the need for curiosity and freedom of the immoral things in their Utopia such as, books and flowers. As a reaction to grooming they received, their laughs and Giggles transition toward a frightful cry that shape their morals and ideologies that accept the Utopias interpretations of Happiness instead of Their Own. Withstanding that, cast have a sense of Pride wear each member ever so greatly neglects the other cast functionality ignoring their own status or societal acceptance. By which an Epsilon would hold no aspirations towards a beta, owing to the fact that they have been deprived of their freedom and forced to only understand and embody an epsilon's happiness. All of which are based off of sacrifices that are instilled into a utopian
Various characters sacrifice their freedom in connection with happiness, based on societal characteristics to categorize each individual in a cast. Where Community is heavily enforced for reasons of keeping everyone in standard, lower caste singings are routinely done while upper caste orgies are participated in. Any individual who might view the other groups activity as a more suitable option loses the freedom of his or hers intentions. Where freedom is deprived of, through the form of a sacrifice to ensure your happiness that is forced upon each individual. Not to mention other leisurely activities that could potentially Enlighten and individual based on one's intelligence to view things differently. The knowledge and experience everyone except John and mond lack do the freedom oppose one's ability to be happy. Which they are incapable of making decisions for themselves in numerous circumstances.
The ability to make your own decisions, based on your interest and quality one embodies is inapplicable in an utopian Society based on the marxist lense. Withstanding that, Mond has the knowledge of God, Shakespeare and other books but continue to hide them from society. It embellishes a higher individual who oppresses his understandings of his needs and desires through the initial form of coercion to obtain or complete his objective. Not to mention Lenina’s attributes that carry her through life mindlessly. Where she makes no decision based off of her self-consciousness, to adhere to any situation. Resulting in her perception of everything to be perfect with little to no fluctuation in the way she carries herself, losing all of her freedom to obtain no true happiness as an individual.
Happiness as an individual in the society is impossible for those who have no Freedom or experience with any other circumstances other than the one Society has placed on them. The potential an individual has is not seen owing to the fact that, the freedom is crushed and depicted as immoral at a very young age. This imposes the ability for anyone to achieve any happiness while reaching their potential is inapplicable.