Conformity can come in useful when we are in unfamiliar surroundings or activities. Everyone has done it in some way or another throughout their life and it really can come in handy with unknown situations. I would say it can be good and bad, if there is a social norm that is meant to keep order and peace, then conforming to this standard can be considered good. However when the norm is intentionally used to harm or disrupt the peace it is imperative that you don’t conform to such actions. There are times where you mustn’t conform to being a bystander, and instead advocate for change and demand for fair and just treatment to all. It all essentially depends on the …show more content…
context of the situation, it is debatable whether one should conform to the norms or oppose them.
2) List 5 social norms that you think are positive and for each explain why you think it is positive.
1. Saying please after requesting a service from someone, and thanking them after they complete/perform said service. I would consider this a positive social norm as it encourages us to be sympathetic towards one another when we request services from others. It promotes respect and establishes peace amongst our relationships with each other.
2. When talking with someone starting the conversation with a welcoming greeting such as “hey, hello, how are you” and closing with a departing greeting such as “goodbye, bye, see you later etc.” It is rare that you find yourself talking to someone straightforwardly without any form of greeting. That is because how you say hello and goodbye to someone communicates your relationship to that individual. Using these greetings is a positive norm because it is one of the basic the most functions of communication that generate positive social experiences.
3. Making engaging eye contact when communicating with others. Increased eye contact makes you seem more appealing in every way to those you interact with, it also improves the quality of that interaction. Eye contact imparts a sense of closeness to your exchanges, and leaves the receiver of your gaze feeling more positive about your interaction and connected to you. Thus, I would say that engaging in eye contact with friends and strangers is a positive norm because it increases the quality of all of your face-to-face interactions. Being able to look people in the eye and hold their gaze can help you better network with others, land a job, pitch an idea, and make a moving speech.
Holding the door for someone who is close behind you. Opening a door for someone, for the person behind you, or gesturing another to pass through first, is simple act of kindness. I would say that it is a positive social norm especially here on campus it’s easy to become accustomed to others holding the door for you and reciprocating the act, it demonstrates a standard of polite behavior and mutual courtesy as we help on another.
5. Lastly, one social norm that I think should be more emphasized is to watch where you're going when you're walking. Don't stop suddenly or stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk (e.g. to check your phone). This one is seemingly relevant in today’s society as it helps create a good flow of traffic amongst pedestrians and allows us to get to where we need to be faster. It is a positive norm as it encourages us to be aware of what’s happening around us to avoid harmful injuries, and maintain public order.
3) List 5 social norms that you think are negative and for each explain why you think it is negative. If a norm is specific to some group or context, make sure to …show more content…
1. When walking alone we are expected to walk in an unobtrusively manner, listening to music alone is fine however dancing or singing out loud isn’t considered appropriate behavior. I think that this norm is negative because it imposes limits on peoples freedom of expression by making them feel as such behavior is “weird” or “crazy” if they sing aloud to themselves or dance in public. Making someone feel as such is negative, because their actions aren’t doing anything to harm the public order, thus they should feel inclined to express themselves.
2. When you see someone sitting alone on a bench, table, or lounge we should leave them alone to refrain from invading their personal space. I would say that this is a negative social norm as it encourages isolationism and decreases our desires to meet and talk to new people. As our society is advancing I think it’s important that we don’t lose touch of the value in face-to-face interactions. Unless the other person truly is unwilling and doesn’t want to talk to anyone, then you shouldn’t bother them.
3. We must dress appropriately in the certain circumstances/environments, and in accordance to our gender. This is a negative norm because it tries to emphasize stereotypical gender roles, and refrains people from dressing in a manner that they want. Rather it restricts women into dressing modestly in order to not draw attention to themselves, and make men think wearing certain colors may make them appear “too feminine” this type of norm creates a bigoted mindset, by forcing individuals to disregard dressing by gender identity which is why I believe it is negative.
When in an elevator one should face the front, leave a generous amount of space between themselves and other riders, and refrain from conversing with the other person in the elevator. This type of behavior is negative because it reinforces antisocial behavior, which can often make elevator rides awkward and uncomfortable, instead we should engage in small talk and try and build relationships with others especially if it’s within a building in which you both live.
5. The idea that we shouldn’t "over share" problems we are going through, unless talking to a close friend or a shrink. This norm suggests bottling up or emotions or feelings and not asking for help or advice sooner. I believe this is a negative norm because there is only so much we can bottle up and bear alone, instead we should advocate for people to speak up and share their feelings.
4) In general, what do you think determines whether a social norm is good or bad?
I think the determining factor of whether a norm is overly good or bad is the intended affect that it is supposed to have on society. If it encourages isolationism, exclusion, or degrading of others than it is bad. However if it promotes the general welfare of society, and benefits people to adapt these norms then it is innately
5) In general, why do you think people conform with social norms?
Fear of exclusion is the main contributing factor as to why people conform to social norms. Not many wish to be outsiders from the group, humans innately want to feel included and “normal”, once they start to deviate from the norms they may either accept and become outsiders or feel that they can’t bear rejection and conform.