This assignment is designed to have you become more familiar with the concept of a social norm. A social norm often involves a tacit rule of expected or appropriate behavior that is agreed upon by a group of people, yet is not always clearly verbalized. For this assignment, you will violate a social norm. Remember as per our discussion of this assignment, you are not to violate a law or a regulation, both of which are clearly articulated and are not considered social norms. Also, in choosing the social norm you plan to violate, do not do anything potentially harmful to yourself or to anyone else. For the purposes of this assignment, if you violated a social norm in the past (whether intentionally or accidentally), you may choose to relate that experience. …show more content…
Type each answer (single space) under the question you are answering. Double space between questions. Note that your response to each question must be written in full sentences in Standard English. The answer to each question must be three or more sentences in length. After you have finished filling in your answers, print out this sheet and your answer sheet, and staple this sheet on top of your answer sheet. This assignment will be collected at the start of class, so make sure that you have it ready to be turned in then so that it will not be considered late. Follow these directions carefully in order to be eligible for all the points allotted to this