Confucianism was developed by a Chinese philosopher named Kǒng Fūzǐ (551- 479 BCE), also known as Confucius. He was a knowledgeable man who thought about how people should live, how righteousness (Li) can be achieved and how the society or government should be structured. The Analects of Confucius explains how men can become a gentlemen. If a man follows the rules of Confucius and completes all his duties of his status, he could influence others in society to be honorable, hardworking, honest, and just. A gentleman said, “Feels bad when his capabilities fall short of the task. He does not feel bad when people fail to recognize him” (15.18). A gentlemen is different because he does not care about personal gains; his integrity is more important. He never stated whether humans were born evil or good, he did however say that humanity shared the same qualities. They all have the ability to be conditioned through studying and practicing.
During the warring states period, Han Feizi (280–233 BC) and Shang Yang (390–338 BC) wanted people to follow a philosophy that could strengthen the government and to create laws that are firmer. Legalism may have originated from Xunzi (312–230 BC), a student of Confucius. He believed that all men were born evil and their natural self-interest dominates them the moment they are born, the desire