Congenital scoliosis is caused by a bone abnormality at birth. Neuromuscular scoliosis is a result of abnormal muscles or nerves. This type of scoliosis is frequently seen in people who have spina bifida or cerebral palsy, or can be accompanied by people with paralysis. Degenerative scoliosis is caused from a traumatic bone collapse, which can happen from a major back surgery or even osteoporosis. The final major type of scoliosis is Idiopathic. This is the most common type of scoliosis that has no identifiable cause. Though many theories have been thrown around, none have proven conclusive. It is suggested that this type of scoliosis is inherited. ( Osteoarthritis Health Center Scoliosis, 2 …show more content…
If you are a child and have scoliosis, you are usually going to the doctors every four to six months to keep your scoliosis in check. The treatment most commonly used for children are braces. The brace is used when you have a spinal curve degree between 25 and 40 degrees, and you are still growing. Though the brace can’t actually reverse the damages of scoliosis, it can help to prevent it from getting worse. ( Osteoarthritis Health Center Scoliosis, 2 ) Another option is surgery. If your curve is between 40 and 50 degrees, you are considered for surgery. The surgery cannot straighten the curve all the way, but it can get it pretty close to normal. In the procedure, metallic implants are used to correct some of the curvature and makes sure it is in the correct position until the bone graft can be placed. The bone graft creates a rigid infusion within the area of the curve. It is most commonly referred to as spinal fusion because it joins the vertebrae together. ( Osteoarthritis Health Center Scoliosis, 3 ) It is also highly recommended that people with scoliosis be physically active in case they have the surgery. This can help speed the recovery process along, but also it is good for your