On the contrary, this is a man’s world that we live in today, but as the famed James Brown sang, “But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl”. Congress plays a crucial role in politics. With that being said women who have a seat in congress can use their influence to bring about more aggressive change. I believe congresswomen should be sympathetic to the fight for equality as most of them, if not all can relate to being discriminated against. Women have been drastically outnumbered in congress and politics. Today women hold 104 seats, seventy-six of which are democratic and twenty-eight of which are republican. However, the 104 seats that women currently occupy make up only 19.4% of the 535 seats available (Center for American Women and Politics). Congress needs to be more proactive in passing legislation supporting that wage be based on performance and not gender. Congresswomen must lead this charge. Gender based discrimination is contributing to the glass ceiling that is …show more content…
For to ignore the glass ceiling, you must ignore racism and sexism. Who knows where this great country would be if we actually practiced equality by putting our differences to rest, as opposed to notionally implying that we are for equal rights and justice. There are several avenues of approach that we can take as a country to bring about aggressive change. Since education is apparently the “key to success”, I believe this will be a great place to start. As Birgit Weyer concluded in the Women in Management Review 22.6