
Consequences Of Meddling In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Consequences Of Meddling In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
It seems a natural human tendency for people tend to get involved in the personal affairs of others. I guess by nature, we are curious. Sometimes, though, that curiosity or meddling can lead to serious consequences like murder and suicide. Once involved, it is easy for people to get stuck in a situation that quickly becomes very hard to climb out of. All of that because someone felt the urge to meddle in another’s business. In his famous play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare illustrates the consequences of this kind of meddling. The story of the play involves young people from rival families falling in love, marrying secretly, and the tragedy that follows when too many people get involved hiding the secret. In Romeo and Juliet, there …show more content…
He felt he was only trying to make things better between the Capulets and Montagues. For instance, when Friar Lawrence says “Come, come with me and we will make short work. For, by your leaves you shall not stay alone. Till holy church incorporate two in one.” (Act II, Scene VI, Line 35-37) Friar Lawrence secretly marries Romeo and Juliet in hopes of stopping the family feud between the Capulets and Montagues. This shows that Friar is trying to make peace in Verona, but it is leading to Romeo and Juliet’s untimely death. Another way we see Friar unknowingly contribute is when he explains, “Hold daughter: I do spy a kind of hope which craves as desperate an execution as that desperate which we would prevent. If rather than marry County Paris, thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself. And if thou darest: I’ll give thee remedy.” (Act IV, Scene I, Lines 68-72.) Friar gives Juliet an opportunity to escape marrying Paris by drinking a potion to make everyone think she is dead. Unfortunately, Romeo doesn’t get word of the plan that Juliet made with the Friar and drinks poison to be with his seemingly dead Juliet. Friar is to blame because of his secret plans to help fix the problem that actually lead to the death of Romeo and …show more content…
When we look at the Friar, Nurse and Tybalt, it is easy to see how they contributed to the demise of the “star crossed lovers”. Friar Lawrence was the first character that secretly married Romeo and Juliet and gave Juliet a potion that made her appear dead, accidentally tricking Romeo to kill himself next to her. The Nurse also played a role because she knew of Romeo and Juliet’s secret marriage, but didn’t bother to tell the Lord or Lady Capulet. The nurse was also very critical of romeo making Juliet more defensive to her husband. The final character, Tybalt, was always stirring up trouble with Romeo, killing his best friend Mercutio being the last straw. After Romeo killed Tybalt he was banished from Verano, which meant he would never see his dear Juliet again. It is easy to see how it is for people to get involved in other’s business. However, minding their own may have kept the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet from every

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