Nationalism is another word for Patriotism. Nationalism unites everyone living in the same country irrespective of class, creed or colour. Its kind of a spirit that builds a sense of identity and belonging to one's homeland or native country. Its an eternal emotion that keeps us bound to value our native land and everything related to it i.e. our motherland. Its this emotion that brings unity among nations which is a positive consequence. Though there are few negative consequences of Nationalism as well.
There are many positive consequences of Nationalism besides unity that is being united as a nation. In a nation there are various groups of people belonging to different spheres and circles of life having different cultures and traditions, despite this there is unity because everyone try to accept eachother. Therefore living as a community where everyone share a common identity of being a nation belonging to a particular motherland. They show their patrotism by serving in army during wars and on daily basis as well by protecting every corner of their native land from their enemies. Also the country's doctors, engineers, accountants, lecturers and so on working in other professions, all working together to give their motherland whatever they can. Giving free education to those who can not afford, helping the needy and opening hospitals with good service for the common people are some acts that shows light of nationalism. If there is a natural disaster, people try to help others who are sufferring from it without thinking about what cast or creed those sufferring people belong. When there is any sports event coming up so everywhere people belonging to different nations can be seen holding nations' flag and raising slogans in favour of there beloved land.
One of the few negative consequences of Nationalism is Jingoism or aggressive and excessive patriotism. Its bad in a way it leads to hatred for other nations which is not a