To determine and prove that the total energy will remain the same Materials:
● probe
● meter stick
● 2 by 4 wooden block
● shelf (ramp)
● binders (for elevation) Procedure:
1. determine the mass of the block
2. take your ramp and put one side on the table and the other side on the elevated stack of binders
3. set probe at the top of the ramp
4. set the probe to record position and velocity
5. measure the height of the ramp
6. slide the block down the ramp and measure it’s position and velocity with the probe
7. find the fastest velocity that the probe recorded and record it as your final velocity
8. find the position of the block at the time which the velocity was its fastest and use that as your displacement
9. calculate energy lost by finding the potential energy at the top of the ramp and subtracting the kinetic energy at the end of the ramp *
10. calculate the efficiency of the system *
11. calculate the force of friction between the block and the ramp*
12. calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the ramp * jacob what’s the formula for finding Ff? HALLO ? JACOB pleaseeee
*see equations page Observations: do the damn graphs Calculations:
Energy Lost
force of friction coefficient of kinetic friction
Conclusion: restate the calculations