When my group went to the first station, we were testing the velocity how long it took a bobber to go down stream. To do this station, we used a piece of bamboo, string, and a bobber. We had to test the depth of the water which was 32 centimeters deep. Then we measured how long the string was and it was 285 centimeters long. After that, our group got into the water and timed how long it took to get the bobber to flow down the creek until it reached the bamboo, my …show more content…
To do this, we pulled rocks out of the creek and put them on land. There are three stages of groups, the first group means that the creek is not polluted. The second group means there is some pollution. The third group means that the creek is extremely polluted. For group 1 our group found 59 organisms. For group two, in our study, we found 15 and they were all scoud. In the group 3 we found 27 creatures. This is what we did in station 3 for the creek study field trip.
The field trip to the Conodoguinet creek taught me a lot about water pollution. The results of the water we tested showed positive. On the scale the numbers shown below seven so the creek is not very polluted. This means the phosphates and nitrates are not high in the creek so the neutralise isn’t hurting anything. We saw some algae that was eutrophicating the richness of the pollution. The one thing our group did not see are crustaceans because the creek was fresh water. It was fun to investigate the waterlot in the conodoguinet