SCI207 Dependence of Man on the Environment, Marc Hnytka
July 8, 2013
Week 5 Final Paper
Abstract My report was based on the how ground water may be affected by myriad containments present in our experiment and in our everyday . Surprisingly when vinegar was filtered through dirt it came out fairly clean. This surprised me because I would never believed that vinegar had such a profound effect on water considering its oily nature. I was convinced that vinegar more than the other contaminates would have produced a wider, more polluted field. I believed that all the water would have been contaminated with the dirt had been mixed in. This exercise may demonstrate the need to discover better more efficient ways to filter and purify water in the future.
Introduction This Lab we explored how contaminants affect the water supply. Contaminants can be commonly found in household products from dishwashing soap to paint, to oil and more. There are more robust versions like pesticides and petroleum products within the farm system. We will explore why and how this affects the water table and what type of effects, if any we will witness drinking water from the tap. Working in the environmental field one contaminant I come across frequently is Lead. It is found frequently in older homes. It has been found in paint, canned goods and in our water supply. Research has shown that lead poisoning can lead into developmental issues, negatively harm the reproduction system and can ultimately lead cancer. Lead from environmental pollution is not carcinogenic, but even low dose lead exposure has been shown to have detrimental and long-lasting effects on the renal, hemopoietic and nervous system (Fertmann et al., 2004). And while more is being done the United States is far from coming up with a homogenous solution. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 2011a), as directed by the Safe
References: Turk, J. & Bensel, T. (2001). Contemporary Environmental Issues. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Massey, A. R., & Steele, J. E., PhD. (2012). Lead in drinking water: Sampling in primary schools and preschools in south central kansas. Journal of Environmental Health, 74(7), 16-20. Retrieved from Occurrence of Monomethylarsonous Acid in Urine of Humans Exposed to Inorganic Arsenic Water Table.H. Vasken AposhianMaiorino,†, Richard C. Dart,‖, Mihai G. Tircus,, Diego Gonzalez-Ramirez,@, Daniel L. Morgan,#, Dana Avram,‡ and, and Mary M. Aposhian Chemical Research in Toxicology 2000 13 (8), 693-697 Sayre, L. (2009). THE HIDDEN LINK BETWEEN FACTORY FARMS AND HUMAN ILLNESS. Mother Earth News, (232), 76-83.