Drinking Water Quality and How Expanding Urbanization is Affecting It
Makayla T. Cohen
Miami Dade College
This paper explores the issue of drinking water quality and the influence that expanding urbanization has on it. Background information will also be given, as well as current and future work being done to help improve drinking water quality. Finally, a few suggestions will be given on what each person can do to help the quality of water. Keywords: Urbanization, Freshwater, Precautionary Principle, Hydrologic Cycle, Point Source, and Nonpoint Source.
Drinking Water Quality and How Expanding Urbanization is Affecting It
“I never drink water; that is the stuff that rusts pipes”, W.C. Fields. Now this quote may seem funny now, but the fact that many people are afraid to drink water due to fears of getting sick is no laughing matter. It’s important for individuals to be aware of what they are putting in their bodies and educate themselves on water quality, especially in their area. One factor in particular that seems to have a drastic effect on water quality is the increase of urbanization in areas surrounded by water. This paper will explore the effects of expanding urbanization on drinking water quality. Some background information will also be provided, as well as current work being done to improve drinking water quality and future endeavors.
Background Knowledge Before this discussion can proceed, a little background information must be given for better understanding. What exactly is the significance of water quality? According to the National Marine Sanctuaries, “water quality describes the condition of the water, including chemical, physical, and biological characteristics, usually with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose” (2011). In this case, drinking water quality gives an idea of how safe water is for consumption.
Water is an important aspect to the sustainability of
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