First of all, I was surprised by the results. In the beginning I was expecting to get a clear answer: either I had conservative viewpoints or I had liberal viewpoints. I did not anticipate that most people would fall near the middle of the liberal and conservative scale. During the class survey, my result was extremely close to the origin. In fact,
I was only one point away from the origin for conservative economic quadrant. I also scored a six for the liberal side of the social axis. This would mean that I only agree with 15% of the liberal point of view. I was also surprised that I leaned towards the liberal perspective on social topics yet I happened to agree with conservatives on economic subjects. My moderate mix of conservative and liberal results showed me that there isn’t necessarily one side that you either agree or disagree completely with; defying my original expectation. Next, a few aspects confused me during the surveys that were conducted during class and online. For example, there was a question regarding death penalty and whether or not you believe if it should be banned or not. This question made me think for a little bit because I felt like I needed more information such as the severity of the crimes. In other terms, I was split on a few questions and had difficulty agreeing or disagreeing due to the fact that I could see the arguments of both sides. I was also confused on some of the material, especially in the online surveys, that was being debated.