Total Marks: 80 1. Explain the dealing with owners’ supplies. (5 marks)
2. Write short notes in the following. (20 marks)
a. Guarantee Tests b. Demobilization c. Environmental case d. Testing commissioning and Trial Run.
3. Describe the purchase procedure in a construction organization . (20 marks)
4. Explain ABC analysis for a construction organization (5 marks)
5. What is Risk Identification Analysis and Classification? List out the Risk avoidance and Reduction measures. (15 marks)
Risk analysis is a process of classifying hazards by their potential for harm, considering both consequence of the potential harm, and the likelihood of the hazard causing harm. Once the classification has been done through the analysis priority for action can be assigned to high risk hazards.
RISK: How severely can someone be harmed by the hazard, and how likely it is that a person will be harmed by the hazard.
Risk Analysis
When analysing risks, three factors should be taken into consideration. The consequence of the potential harm, the likelihood of the harm occurring, and what if anything has been done already to stop or control the hazard.
Risk Classification
Once the consequence and likelihood have been determined for the hazard, the hazard can be given a risk classification, using the OH&S Risk Classification Matrix as shown below. The higher the risk classification that is assigned, the higher the level of risk associated with the hazard. The risk classification should be used to assign priority in