will be implemented to ensure populations of sensitive wildlife species are not affected. Keystone will contract a qualified biologist to conduct a survey of breeding bird habitat within 330 feet (100 meters) from proposed surface disturbance activities that would occur within the breeding season. The biologist will document active nests, bird species, and other evidence of nesting (e.g., mated pairs, territorial defense, birds carrying nesting material, transporting of food). If an active nest for Important Migratory Bird Species (USFWS BCC, PIF Priority Bird Species, State Sensitive Species) is documented during the survey, Keystone will work with the relevant regulatory authorities to determine if any additional protection measures would be required. Immediately prior to construction activities during the raptor breeding season (February 1 – July 31), breeding raptor surveys will be conducted by a qualified biologist through areas of suitable nesting habitat to identify any potentially active nest sites in the project area. If raptors are identified within 0.5 mile to the construction right of way, Keystone will work with the relevant regulatory authorities to develop mitigation measures. These measures will be implemented on a site-specific and species-specific basis in coordination with state agency wildlife biologists. Along the ROW within historical range of Indiana bat and gray bat (Missouri, Illinois and eastern Oklahoma), Surveys shall be completed during the roosting season in suitable woodland habitats to determine if any active maternity roosts are present in or near the pipeline ROW. If a maternity roost is located, then applicable mitigation will be developed in consultation with USFWS and state wildlife agency personnel. Prior to surface disturbance activities within karst terrain, a geological investigation will be completed to determine the presence and type of karst features. The investigation will
will be implemented to ensure populations of sensitive wildlife species are not affected. Keystone will contract a qualified biologist to conduct a survey of breeding bird habitat within 330 feet (100 meters) from proposed surface disturbance activities that would occur within the breeding season. The biologist will document active nests, bird species, and other evidence of nesting (e.g., mated pairs, territorial defense, birds carrying nesting material, transporting of food). If an active nest for Important Migratory Bird Species (USFWS BCC, PIF Priority Bird Species, State Sensitive Species) is documented during the survey, Keystone will work with the relevant regulatory authorities to determine if any additional protection measures would be required. Immediately prior to construction activities during the raptor breeding season (February 1 – July 31), breeding raptor surveys will be conducted by a qualified biologist through areas of suitable nesting habitat to identify any potentially active nest sites in the project area. If raptors are identified within 0.5 mile to the construction right of way, Keystone will work with the relevant regulatory authorities to develop mitigation measures. These measures will be implemented on a site-specific and species-specific basis in coordination with state agency wildlife biologists. Along the ROW within historical range of Indiana bat and gray bat (Missouri, Illinois and eastern Oklahoma), Surveys shall be completed during the roosting season in suitable woodland habitats to determine if any active maternity roosts are present in or near the pipeline ROW. If a maternity roost is located, then applicable mitigation will be developed in consultation with USFWS and state wildlife agency personnel. Prior to surface disturbance activities within karst terrain, a geological investigation will be completed to determine the presence and type of karst features. The investigation will