The Barn Swallow is the most widespread species of swallows with their profound coloration somewhat resembling their sophisticated melodies. With the NABPP offering maps, I was able to determine the specific migrational patterns of Barn Swallows. These birds reside in the North American region and migrate to South American locations during the winter times of the North. The birds migrate due to the changing climates due to season changes. When winter time in the Northern hemisphere, the birds migrate to the Southern Hemisphere being that it is warmer and summer time, the same rules apply when it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Barn Swallows find areas such as marshes and damp locations suitable. They use resources made available to them such as mud, sticks, and grass. Locations with a moist atmosphere encourage breeding among the birds and the population soon begins to grow. With the help of the volunteer observers, I was able to analysis the maps with the collected data. Analyzing the maps of each decade starting at the year 1860s, I came to the conclusion that both the migrational patterns and the population status of these birds were altered. The patterns changed every decade yet they stayed in the same region. This large region in North America included states and territories that had large bodies of water and tend to have quite warm summers. These areas …show more content…
With the continued research of the NABPP and the help of volunteers, we are able to understand the change in the migrational patterns of these birds and we are one step closer to solving the issue at hand. After researching this project, I am able to conclude that Barn Swallows are attracted to areas of warm temperature and a climate that encourages breeding. These locations act as grounds that offer materials to build nest and the females lay their eggs with other female Barn Swallows protecting the eggs and soon to be nestlings. I am definitely not surprised about the results due to the extended damage humans have had on planet Earth. As the human population continues to grow, the Earth crumples and the availability of natural resources continues to decrease. The population of other species, including Barn Swallows, have been impacted by the human impact on Earth. Climate change is a consequence that we continue to face due to the weakening of the Earth. Birds will continue to experience change and migrational differences if climate change continues to be hindered. If this was my Project, I would continue to use volunteer observations because it offers diverse sources to analysis. Being that the question at hand was concerning migrational patterns and population status of the birds, I would add the following questions: “Does the diet of the birds cause migrational change?” “Does