Emile Durkheim believed in the notion that for the preservation and continuation of a social setting, organic solidarity was imperative. …show more content…
Those who owned the means of production ruled over those who produced (wage workers). As an economist Marx affirmed that communist trumped a capitalist system by allowing the masses to become a cohesive unit without divergent classes. It is affirmed that, “Capitalism is in the interest of the ruling class to exploit the working class and in the interest of the workers to seek to overcome that exploitation.” (11 Introduction to Sociology) In a family I believe that the parent is effectively the ruling class while the child is the working class. No matter the maturity or intellect of the child, the parent still feels the need to influence the ideas during the child’s development. Although this is usually done in the best interest of the child it is done in the perspective of the parent and sometimes, with little to no regard to the child’s perspective. In my family, although my parent would like to influence me to do certain things, they do not necessarily understand what life is like for me as a young adult in a modern, contemporary, metropolitan social setting. Being from Guyana, they did not have the exposure to the amount of opportunities that I have in the United States and on top of this they were raised in a society with values juxtaposed to those in the United States. For example, it is normal for children to lie with parents and support the household financially until they are …show more content…
Instead of these being based upon the meeting to the groups needs and wants, it was based upon bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is the division if power in a hierarchy. This is similar to many governments such as monarchies where there is a supreme ruler followed by the ruling elite, and as you go down the hierarchy the population grown and the power of the population becomes limited. Weber declared that this division of power provided institutions with the ability to sun efficiently. In my family setting, my parents hold the power in our bureaucratic system. As a child I took my direction from them and was expected to follow it due to the power they wielded as a parent. Despite the fact that I am a young adult, I am still renegaded to follow such instruction because they use their executive power to make decisions that allow for my sustenance as an individual, for I do not live on my own but in their home.
Durkheim, Marx and Weber studied the social setting to develop their advanced theories of how humans interact with one another. These interaction form the basis of social connections and the root of those connection stem form family units. By studying these elements of sociology it allows me to gain a deeper understanding for my family’s social construction. Being a member of a family where two generation grew up in starkly different social settings can be challenging at times but