Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Fire 73: Fire Prevention Technology
Learning Outcomes
Following instruction the student shall:
Understand fire resistive construction, noncombustible construction, combustible construction, and what constitutes fire-resistance. Identify and describe each of the five construction types and the construction features and fire dangers that are common to each construction type.
Chapter 4:
Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Chapter 4: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Learning Outcomes
Following instruction the student shall:
Understanding building use, what determines the occupancy classification per the fire code, and the dangers of illegal building use changes.
Section 1:
Construction Types
(Building Classifications, Building Types)
Chapter 4: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Chapter 4: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Most effective way to limit potential fire spread:
Limiting the size of buildings. Regulating the construction materials.
For operational purposes this topic instructs us to evaluate the specific building materials and building use in advance of fire combat operations. Is this important?
Largest part of building codes are dedicated to fire protection:
Fire safety Emergency egress Structural stability under fire conditions.
Chapter 4: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Chapter 4: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Chapter 4
Fire 73:
Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications
Why Classify Buildings?
As buildings get bigger & higher the potential for catastrophic events increases. Hazardous processes within a building require greater safeguards (FR). Knowing materials in a building helps predict how the building will behave in a fire. CFC defines occupancies & CBC defines bldg types.