Use this job aid the next time you are asked to give or receive feedback. Refer to it to help you recall concepts from the tutorial.
What Is the Purpose of Feedback?
• Receiving feedback helps a writer become less attached to his or her work.
• Giving feedback helps a reviewer practice analytical skills: o Criticize and examine work o Question errors o Suggest improvements
How Do I Give Feedback?
Peer review is a method for giving and receiving feedback:
• Provides additional perspectives on a work
• Helps produce a better work product
There are two types of feedback:
• Directed: reviewer uses a form or guide to examine specific elements
• General: reviewer uses feedback principles to examine an entire work
When giving feedback, look for:
• Unity
• Coherence
• Supporting details
• Sentence structure o Fragments o Run-ons
• Proper punctuation and capitalization
• Spelling errors and misused words
Be constructive:
• First, be positive, then critique. Mark things you liked as well as errors.
• Suggest solutions or ideas, rather than simply pointing out an error exists.
• Be kind when suggesting improvements.
• Criticize the error, not the person.
• Be professional, not emotional.
• Provide the critique in private.
• Ensure you have the facts straight.
How Do I Respond to Feedback?
• Welcome the feedback.
• Make sure you understand the feedback.
• View the criticism as an opportunity to fix the problem or increase knowledge.
• Focus on possible solutions.
• Thank your reviewer.
Audio and Visual Statements for the Constructive Feedback Tutorial
This is a transcript of the Constructive Feedback Tutorial. The purpose of this tutorial is to distinguish between constructive and unconstructive feedback.
Welcome to the Constructive Feedback Information Presentation. Do any of the following statements sound familiar?
• Great job.
• This is so-so.