Student name: Lukas Lichter (n7486103)
Tutor: Kate Little
Wordcount: 1754 words
Report about the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill crisis on petrol consumption
Company of investigation: British Petrol
Content I. Context and Problem/Opportunity
II. Literature Review
III. Theory/ Model / Framework
IV. Recommendations
IV.I. Promotion
IV.II. People
IV.III. Product
V. References
VI. Appendices
I. Context and Problem/Opportunity
In the following text I’m going to target the topic Influencing Oil and Petrol Consumption.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has a catastrophic long-term effect on the environment and especially the marine life. This is reflected in a shift in consumer behaviour. A growing number of people are refusing to purchase their petrol from BP stations. One reason for this development can be the changing attitudes towards the company. In order to increase the consumption rates marketers have to figure out how this accident infected consumers attitude, how this is expressed in the consumer behaviour and how to change these attitudes towards BP.
II. Literature Review
In 1984 James E.Grunig and Todd Hunt proposed several theories to crisis management of large companies. Two major parts are the apologia theory and the image restoration theory. The very basis of these theories is a proper response of the company towards the public (customer) and political audience (James Grunig as cited by Kathleen Fearn-Banks, 2007) Learning from the Valdez fiasco in 1989 authors like Steve Adubato (2008) stated that understanding the narrow window of opportunity to react is crucial for a successful crisis management. To show genuine concern for the situation it is important to send a high representative to the scene on short notice (Steve Adubato, 2008, p.24). Showing responsibility and direct reaction are also seen as most important in a crisis situation by