HRC- Abolition of Corporal Punishment in Schools:
Corporal punishment, a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational settings.
Quick historical review:
The first known record of Corporal punishment was as early as the 22c. BC. - In the code of law by "Ur-Namma". The use of corporal punishment as a form of penalty was known in western as well as Far East societies such as imperial China and the Vedic India and in other cultures. During the classical period it became a basic principle in educational systems and remained in consensus later on. In the modern era there is a process of abolishing the method, however today over 70 countries still do not have laws that prohibit corporal punishment in schools. In other countries despite an official ban, there is not enough enforcement and public awareness so the actual practice continues as well.
Religious and Cultural consolidation:
In the context of Education records go back as far as the 10th Century BC in Book of Proverbs. In other classical cultures such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt, Corporal punishment was practiced for both judicial and educational discipline. Some states gained a reputation for using such punishments cruelly; Sparta, in particular, used them as part of a disciplinary regime designed to build willpower and physical strength, therefore using it as the most frequent type of punishment.
In Medieval Europe, corporal punishment was encouraged by the attitudes of the medieval church, and in later periods educational establishments were still greatly influenced by it. One must remember that although the church was no longer a sole determining factor over the common people lives, its paradigm remained deeply rooted. The common people