To start this paper out I want to make it know that discipline and punishing your kids are to different think but they coordinate with each other. My view on this is yes because all children need correction in their life so they can stay on the right path. There are many different way that you can discipline your child. They are basically four kinds of punishment physical, verbal withholding rewards and penalties. Through this essay I will explain the view point on why there shouldn’t be a problem with spanking children.
Physical punishment is when you spank your child for doing something when they aren’t supposed to do as the child gets older the spanking progress from a tap on the hand …show more content…
Then it changes from discipline to abuse. Scientist conducts polls to see what people think about the spanking of children. There was this one poll of people with minors at home, 50 percent report that they sometimes spank their child, while 45 percent do not. It not a law that you have to spank your child you have freedom of speech and will but you shouldn’t put your view out on other people. When I was talking to some older member of society about this they told me back in my day we used to not only get spanking at home but the principal was able to spank us. I wonder what happen to that time. Spanking at school is allowed in 23 states. Some people that dis agree with the banning of spanking at school has said that spanking is matter of tradition and good old-fashioned discipline. Even though spanking is used for discipline research as spanking can increase aggressiveness in children and can even hurt the mental development of young children.( By YUNJI De NIES (@yunjid) March 16, 2012) So once again a spanking isn’t a beating it is a couple of striking on the buttock area. The U.S. Department of Education has reported that school-sanctioned spanking is most prevalent in Southern state. If you asked citizen around the world today two simple question. Why do you spank your children or why do you think