Course Coursework Tutor
BUSI1475: Contemporary Issues in Mngt Essay G Symon
Course School/Level Assessment Weight Submission Deadline
BU/UG 50.00% 01/04/2011
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The considerations of going global and operating in countries that sanction the use of child labour.
Introduction As a rule child labour is typically defined as the abuse of children within a work environment (Payne, 2006). According to Payne (2006) child labour can be recognised in numerous countries around the world. In 2006 a report produced by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) proclaimed that there were an estimated 166 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 years who were categorised as child workers (Dinopoulos & Zhao, 2007). Payne (2006) asserts that there are several motives surrounding the reason why children work, with one of the main reasons being poverty. However it is assumed that parents would only expect their children to work in order to support the family financially (Luetge, 2005). Subsequently, Dinopoulos and Zhao (2007) state that child labour is mainly deemed to be unacceptable. In many incidences this is due to the unhealthy and hazardous conditions that the children are forced to work in (Dinopoulos & Zhao, 2007). Additionally and just as importantly the obvious obstruction of a child‟s path to an education could be viewed as an unacceptable factor of child labour (Dinopoulos & Zhao, 2007). Luetge