Corruption is not limited to the present day, for as long there have been a police, there has been policecorruption.
Four Types of Corruption
are small tips on goods purchased. In many communities some prohibits gratuities, whileothers do not.2. TAKING BRIBES the payment of money or other consideration to police officers with intent to subvert theaims of the criminal justice system.3. THEFT OR ROBBERY
the taking of money or property by the police while performing their duties is anotherform of corruption.4. INTERNAL CORRUPTION officers pay members of their departments for special assignments orpromotions.
Eight Kinds of Police Corruption
Corruption of authority
an officer is corrupted when he receives officially unauthorized material gain byvirtue of his position as a police officer without violating the law.2. K ickbacks- profit 3. O pportunistic theft
occurred form arrest of suspects, investigating victims in crime scenes and formunprotected properties.4. S hakedown arises when the officer inadvertently witness or gains knowledge of a criminal violation andthe violator subsequently offer a bribed to evade arrest.5. P rotection of illegal activities this type of corruption concerns with the giving of protection by a policemanin any illegal activity such as gambling, smuggling, prostitution or other vices top operate without interference in exchange of any form or material rewards.6. Traffic fix
the quashing of prosecution proceeding following the offenders arrest.7. D irect criminal activities
it involves no corruptor. Policeman directly committed crime against the person orproperty of another for material gain.8. Criminal pay- off internal pay
off regulates a market where the police officers prerogatives maybe brought,bartered or sold.