Contemporary rational choice assumes that people are self-interested and will be willing to violate the law after considering both personal factors and situational factors. One sub-theory of rational choice is general deterrence it is based on Beccaria’s equation that the grater the severity, the certainty and speed of legal sanctions the less inclined people will be to commit …show more content…
Trait theorists believe that crime producing interactions involve both personal traits and environmental factors. Contemporary trait theory is the belief that no one biological or psychological trait is responsible for criminality theorists instead believe that everyone is unique and there must be a different reason for people’s behavior. People living in disadvantaged communities may be at higher risk to crime but the risk is significantly increased if they also bear a genetic makeup that makes them vulnerable to crime producing influences. There are two contemporary views as to how crime producing interactions unfold, on is called individual vulnerability model which assumes there is a direct link between traits and crime and that some people are vulnerable to commit crime from birth. The other view is differential susceptibility model which is the belief that there is an indirect association between traits and crime. Biological theories are biochemical, neurological, genetic, and evolutionary. Biochemical states that crime is a function of diet, vitamin intake, hormonal imbalance, or food allergies. Neurological theory is that criminals and delinquents often suffer brain impairments. Genetic is that criminal traits and predispositions are inherited, that the criminality of parents can predict the delinquency of children. Evolutionary says that as humans evolved traits and