Rule : : Contract formation requires mutual assent (offer and acceptance), consideration, and no viable defenses to contract formation.
1. Is there a valid offer? Offer an offer is the manifestation of a willingness to enter into a bargain, in must be done in such a way that another person should understand that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude in forming a contract. Pete has to show that Debbie made a promise to him something in exchange for him to do or not to do something than a valid offer will be proven
Was there a valid offer made when Debbie put an ad in newspaper stating her company Party line will rent tables and chairs for the low price of $1?
Rule : An advertisement is generally not an offer but an invitation to offer where the language is not specific as to quantity and number of offerees. Ads generally lack any express or implied promise to be bound to the terms in the ad and will not sufficiently demonstrate the advertiser’s intent to enter into a contract. Unless an ad is very specific as to quantity and number of offerees such that someone who read the ad could reasonably assume the ad was intended to give them the power to accept.
Debbie’s add initial add in the newspaper does not constitute an offer to sell. It does not contain sufficient words of commitment to sell. Debbies add did not limit the number of possible offerees who could accept and it would be unreasonable for Pete who read the ad to assume that it created the power of acceptance.
Was there an second offer by Debbie to Pete.
2. Is there a valid offer? Offer an offer is the manifestation of a willingness to enter into a bargain, in must be done in such a way that another person should understand that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude in forming a contract. Pete has to show that Debbie made a promise to him something in exchange for him to do or not to do something than